Home Page

Explains all the features of the home page

The home page is the main page in TradeStream, it's purpose is to give you a quick overview of everything including your PnL Curve, PnL heatmap, the 3-most recent trades and a short report to show you how you perform on the given day of the week.

PnL Heatmap

Day overview

If you click on any day in the PnL Heatmap you will be shown the total PnL for that day, a short breakdown of all the trades + the ability to open these trades in the journal for more details. You can also enter notes for the specific day and see which tags are attached to the trades for this day.

Day of Week Report

The day of week report changes every day depending on what day of the week it currently is.

It compares how you perform on that particular day compared to your overall performance, from there you can make decisions on if you should continue trading on that particular day or if you might need to figure out how to perform better.

Last 3 Trades

This is like a mini-version of the Journal, it works exactly the same but it only shows the 3 most recent trades.

To learn more about the Journal check out:

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