Tags & Tag Manager

The tag manager is used to rename or delete a certain tag from multiple trades at once, to add tags to a trade use the tag input window, shown below

Adding and Deleting individual tags

Inputting and deleting tags is very straightforward, to add a new tag just start writing it and when you want to add it press enter or the Add <tag> button in the dropdown menu that pops up.

To Delete a tag just press the "X" next to the tag name.

Tag manager

When you do that you'll get shown the tag manager menu:

If you delete a tag in the tag manager that tag is removed from all trades where it has been added. Once you do this you cannot reverse the decision

In the tag manager you can either delete or rename a certain tag across all trades. So if you have the tag Failed breakout and rename it in the tag manager then it will be renamed everywhere, not only for the trade you are currently looking at.

Renaming a tag

Deleting a tag

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