Explains all the statistics in trade details
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Explains all the statistics in trade details
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The price indicates the MAE/MFE price, the percentage indicates how much the price went against you or for you.
The MAE of a position is the price at which the position was the furthest away from your entry in the "wrong" direction. If you had a long position this is often the lowest price during the trade and for a short it would be the highest price during a trade.
Essentially, it's the point during the trade where your position likely had the largest unrealized loss.
This is the opposite of MFE. For a long trade it's usually the highest price during a trade and for a short trade it's usually the lowest price. Essentially, it's the pricepoint at which you likely had the largest amount of unrealized profit for your trade.
R:R stands for Risk to Reward Ratio and is meant to illustrate how much you were able to win from the position relative to how much you risked, you can read more about in this Investopedia article:
This is the R:R that you had planned to achieve when you opened the position. The value is calculated based on inputted stoploss and targets that you manually add in TradeStream, you can read more about how to do that by going to the page linked below
The actual R:R is calculated in two ways depending on if you have manually inputted your stoploss or not
If you have not inputted your stoploss we use your position's MAE as a substitute for the stoploss
These just tell you how much you paid or earned in fees for entering or exiting the position and how much you paid or earned in funding fees during the course of the trade. If the values are green it means you earned money, if they're red it means you paid money.
We use the below formula to calculate actual R:R. If you won the trade we use the positive value of Actual R:R, if you lost the trade we make the value negative.