Free Access | BloFin
This guide is for people who already have a BloFin account. If you don't have a BloFIn account please follow our guide to create one and get free access: Free access for a new account
This guide will not worked if you already transferred your BloFin account to someone else's KYC in the past 6 months. You can still get free access by creating a new BloFin account with our referral and transferring your assets to the new account. Please follow this guide: Free access for a new account
Adding TradeStream's referral code to your account
BloFin Referral Code Transfer Form Fill out this form, BloFin's team will add your referral code to TradeStream afterwards
You now have Free Access to TradeStream Premium
Just add your BloFin account to TradeStream, follow the Adding API Keys guide
If you have any issues or need help, please contact us on twitter @tradestream_xyz or through the support chat on the website
Last updated