
How filters work

Almost every page on TradeStream has filters. Currently we allow for the following types of filtering:

  • Status Filtering (Win or Loss)

  • Filter by Symbol/Ticker

  • Filter by Date & Time

    • You can choose if the filtering should be based on open time or close time

      • Range (all trades within a certain boundary)

      • After (all trades after a certain date and time)

      • Before (all trades before a certain date and time

  • Filter by side (buy=long, short=sell)

  • Filter by exchange

  • Filter by holdtime

Using Filters

You can add however many filters you want. Currently there are two filter types:

  • Inclusive (Only show trades WITH this attribute i.e: Trades for BTCUSDT)

  • Exclusive (Only show trades WITHOUT this attribute i.e: Trades not for BTCUSDT)

If you filter by for example tags we use "OR" logic. This means if you search for trades that use the tag "bull" and "big win" you will get trades that have either one of these two tags or both. In the future we will add "AND" logic so that you can filter for trades that have certain combinations of tags or other attributes.

Date & Time Filtering

Like previously mentioned, for date & time filtering you can either decide if the filter should be based on the open or close time of the trade.

Then from there you can choose three modes:

  • Before (all trades before a certain date and time

  • After (all trades after a certain date and time)

  • Range (all trades within a certain boundary)

You can either choose filter by pressing one of the presets in the left-side menu or manually select the dates you want to filter by

Last updated